Xialla and ED medication
Did you know that Xialla can be used to complement popular ED medications, including those in pill (oral), pellet (intraurethral), and injection (intracavernosal) formats? This article provides an overview of these three types of ED medication and describes the ways in which Xialla can be paired with them to improve erectile function.
How ED medications work
The development of medications to treat erectile dysfunction went through major advancements in the 1990s. In the space of a few short years, the first PDE5 inhibitors were approved for oral use, followed by medications that could be inserted or injected into the penis.
These ED medications are based on different pharmaceutical formulations, but they all work in similar ways. ED medications, whether pills, pellets, or injections, are all vasodilators, which means they work by relaxing blood vessels and improving the inflow of blood to the penis.
However, improving blood inflow doesn't always deliver optimal results, because a healthy erection requires not only the increase of blood inflow, but the reduction of blood outflow. The combination of increased blood inflow and decreased blood outflow promotes a firmer, longer-lasting erection.
This is why Xialla, a wearable device specifically designed to prevent excessive blood outflow, provides an effective complementary therapy. In one clinical trial, for example, 80% of men reported improved sexual function when they used Xialla in conjunction with oral ED medication. Based on this study and customer reports, there is clear evidence that using Xialla enables men to reduce or eliminate their reliance on medication, or to avoid taking medication in the first place.
ED medication effectiveness
Let's take a look at the three types of ED medication and examine their effects (and side effects) in more detail.
Oral medication for ED
The class of medications called phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE5i's) have become one of the most popular ED treatments and are effective for 60 to 80 percent of men who try them.
Oral ED medication tends to be less effective (and in some cases completely ineffective) for men with the most severe forms of erectile dysfunction, such as those who have suffered nerve damage due to diabetes or prostate cancer surgery. For others, the side effects—which can include vision changes, muscle pains, low blood pressure, headaches, flushing and gastrointestinal issues—outweigh the benefits. According to one study, slightly more than one in 10 men discontinued use of oral ED medication as a result of side effects or because they didn't see results.
Injection medication for ED
Injectable medications were approved by the FDA in 1995. They have a high rate of success, producing an erection in up to 80% of patients. A study of the effectiveness and satisfaction rates for long-term users of injections found that about 70% of men were highly satisfied with this therapy.
However, injections can cause side effects, including fainting, dizziness and low blood pressure. For men who have difficulty administering the injection, pain, infection, bruising, and scarring can occur. As many as 15-20% of men discontinue the treatment because they find it unpleasant or painful.
Urethral pellets for ED
ED medication in pellet form was approved by the FDA in 1997. This form of ED medication is delivered using a MUSE (Medicated Urethral System for Erections) to insert a suppository into the urethra, where the medication is rapidly absorbed. According to Harvard Health, only 50% of men see results from form of treatment, and 30% experience penile pain. Men can also experience bleeding or spotting, and a very small percentage (3%) develop low blood pressure and dizziness.
Effectiveness of ED medication over time
There is little research into the changes in effectiveness of ED medication over the longer term, but anecdotally, many men report that as their condition worsens, they either see diminishing results or need to increase their dosage. One large study of nearly 1,000 men found that 6% of study participants reported a decline in the effectiveness of oral ED medication within a four-year period, and another, small study found that as much as 10%–27% of men needed to increase their dosage of oral ED medication in order to maintain effectiveness over time.
Combining ED therapies
For men with more advanced ED, combining different therapies (under the guidance of a physician) can deliver a more effective treatment than one therapy alone. For example, some men who do not see results with oral or injection medication alone may see results with a combination of both. However, combination therapy can also come with a higher risk of adverse effects.
A review of several smaller studies of combination ED therapies found that combining oral and non-oral therapy was an increasingly important way to help men who do not see positive results from a single therapy, or whose results diminish over time as their condition worsens.
Combining Xialla and ED medication
Combining Xialla with ED medication (under the guidance of a physician) may enhance overall results for men who are no longer seeing a satisfactory response when using medication alone. Using Xialla as part of a combination treatment may also enable men who see good results from ED medication to reduce their dosage and minimize any unpleasant side effects.
Evidence from clinical trials and anecdotal reports from Xialla customers indicate that combining the Xialla wearable device with ED medication enables some men to enhance results and reduce their dosages. One customer wrote on Trustpilot: "I wish I discovered this years ago! Instead of a highest strength [medication] that sometimes failed, I can get by with the minimum dose and guaranteed results."
For more information about Xialla's unique design, visit the "How Xialla Works" page.