Reviewed By the Xialla Medical Team
This information does not create any patient-physician relationship. Consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition.
Your Reported Diagnosis
You can usually get an erection, but the erection is softer than you'd like, and makes intercourse frustrating. You may or may not have tried ED medication, injections, pumps or other therapies that promote blood inflow.
You may have a penile implant, but while it makes the penis rigid, the glans may be soft and the penis may not be as engorged and firm feeling as you desire. You may have tried regular constriction rings.
We suggest
If you can get an erection but it's softer than you'd like, it may be due to insufficient blood inflow, excess blood outflow (venous leak), or both.
Consider trying Xialla. Xialla addresses the blood outflow problem. If the Xialla helps, it's an indication that you have some blood inflow, but the outflow was excessive and the Xialla corrected it.
If you have a penile implant, and desire a firmer glans and/or more engorgement of the penile shaft, consider trying Xialla. See this customer review for details.
If the Xialla doesn't help, we'll happily refund your full purchase price, with our thanks for trying.