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Xialla doesn't work for me

Xialla is a great solution for many men who experience erectile dysfunction, but we understand that it may not work for everyone. If you've tried Xialla and haven't seen results, don't give up hope yet! Here are some things you can try:
  • Check the fit: If Xialla isn't snug around your penis, it may not be working as effectively as it could be. Contact us and we'll send you a smaller size at no charge. On the other hand, if Xialla is too tight and uncomfortable, it may be restricting blood inflow. Contact us and we'll send you a larger size at no charge.
  • Combine with medication: Xialla works by slowing excess blood outflow, but you may also have insufficient blood inflow. Consider trying oral or injected ED medication in combination with Xialla. Many customers have reported excellent results with this combination.
  • Try doubling up: This experimental technique has worked well for some customers. Contact us to receive a second Xialla at no charge, if you don't already have one. Cut the ring off one Xialla and put the ring on your penis like a traditional simple ring. Next, put on the second Xialla normally. The second Xialla will hold the first ring in place, so you have two rings slowing blood outflow. Read this review to see how it worked for one customer.
  • Get a refund: Xialla works for four out of five men, but if it doesn't work for you, we're sorry to hear that. Please contact us for a full refund of your purchase price, with our sincere thanks for trying Xialla.

We hope these tips help you get the most out of Xialla, and we're always here to support you on your journey to better sexual health. 


Search terms: didn't work, doesn't work for me, not effective, not good, no success, no luck.


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My Xialla broke.

Contact us for a free replacement within one year of purchase.