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I'm working with a doctor

The Doctor says my ED problem is

Blood inflow

Your doctor has diagnosed insufficient blood inflow and, will likely prescribe oral, injectable, or cream style ED medication. They may also prescribe acoustic wave therapy. For more severe ED, your doctor may prescribe a pump.

You may also have a blood outflow problem that the doctor doesn't recognize.

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Blood outflow

Your doctor has diagnosed a blood outflow problem (venous leak), and may prescribe a constriction ring, with or without a pump. They may also prescribe oral, injectable or cream style ED medication. They may also prescribe acoustic wave therapy.

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Both inflow and outflow, or unsure

Your doctor has diagnosed both an inflow and an outflow problem (venous leak), or they are unsure of the exact problem. They will likely prescribe a constriction ring, with or without a pump, to treat the outflow problem.

They may also prescribe oral, injectable or cream style ED medication to treat the inflow problem. They may also prescribe acoustic wave therapy.

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